Donald J. Peurach

Senior Research Specialist, CPRE
University of Michigan
Areas of Expertise
dpeurach@umich.eduDonald J. Peurach’s research, teaching, and outreach focus on the production, use, and management of knowledge in practice, among social innovators and those they seek to serve. Peurach examines these issues in the context of large-scale educational improvement initiatives in public school districts and in school improvement networks — focusing specifically on how districts and networks continuously learn and improve over time.
Currently, Peurach is engaged in three lines of work that advance this agenda: (1) With support from the Spencer Foundation and the National Science Foundation, Peurach is collaborating with researchers from the University of Michigan and Northwestern University to study efforts to redesign classrooms, school, districts, and networks to function synergistically as instructionally-focused education systems. (2) As a Senior Fellow of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Peurach is collaborating with researchers and educational professionals to organize, expand, and advance the community of scholars engaged in the practice and study of improvement-focused educational research. (3) Across both of the preceding, Peurach raises and examines cross-cutting issues of leadership, organization, and policy central to large-scale efforts to improve educational quality and to reduce educational disparities.
From Mass Schooling to Education Systems: Changing Patterns in the Organization and Management of Instruction
Peurach, D. J., Cohen, D. K., Yurkofsky, M. M., & Spillane, J. P. (2019). From Mass Schooling to Education Systems: Changing Patterns in the Organization and Management of Instruction. Review of Research in Education, 43(1), 32–67.