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Governance and Policy

Stakeholders Discuss ECDataWorks journey at SXSW EDU

Project Updates

CPRE's ECDataWorks project (University of Pennsylvania) was listed among the best initiatives at this year's SXSW EDU dedicated to the investment of early childhood learning.

February 2018 News from the CPRE community

Insights Newsletter

Click here [], to read this issue of Insights Newsletter.

April 2018 News from the CPRE community

Insights Newsletter

Click here [], to read this issue of Insights Newsletter.

California's Coherent Education System: Reflections from Michael Kirst

CPRE Knowledge Hub

 California's Coherent Education System: Reflections from Michael Kirst

Jason Grissom: Predicting and Preventing Principal Turnover

CPRE Knowledge Hub

Jason Grissom: Predicting and Preventing Principal Turnover

While research suggests that principal turnover can have a negative effect on schools, students, and faculty, few studies have sought to identify how - and why - school leaders ultimately walk away.  

Eric Thomas: The Whole Student: Georgia's Unique Approach to Turnaround

CPRE Knowledge Hub

Eric Thomas: The Whole Student: Georgia's Unique Approach to Turnaround

In an effort to improve performance in dozens of the state's most challenged schools, Georgia lawmakers took the unprecedented step in late 2017 of appointing the state's first Chief Turnaround Officer.

Carrie Conaway: What Research Do State Education Agencies Need?

CPRE Knowledge Hub

Carrie Conaway: What Research Do State Education Agencies Need?

As states craft evidence-based education policies in compliance with the Every Student Succeeds Act, State Education Agencies (SEAs) are responding to a growing demand for quality research. For many, State Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDSs) provide a wealth of reliable data on key student indicators. But according to some state officials, SLDs also have their limits.  

Douglas D. Ready

Director, CPRE-TC
Teachers College, Columbia University

Douglas D. Ready is the director of the Consortium for Policy Research in Education at CPRE's Teachers College, Columbia University branch (CPRE-TC). As part of the Leadership & Management Committee, Ready overseees and directs all research projects and teams at CPRE-TC. At Teachers College, Douglas Ready is an Associate Professor of Education and Public Policy.

(2016) Reading Recovery: An Evaluation of the Four-Year i3 Scale-Up

Research Report

CPRE released its evaluation of one of the most ambitious and well-documented expansions of a U.S. instructional curriculum. The rigorous independent evaluation of the Investing in Innovation (i3) scale-up of Reading Recovery, a literacy intervention for struggling first graders, was a collaboration between CPRE and the Center for Research on Education and Social Policy (CRESP) at the University of Delaware.


Consortium for Policy Research in Education

University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education
3440 Market Street, Suite 560
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Tel: 215.573.0700
Fax: 215.573.7914


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